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Rolli99 has received the trophy 1-year anniversary.
Has been with us for over a year! -
Bommel12 has received the trophy 2-year anniversary.
Has been with us for over two years! -
Unfragender has received the trophy Newbie.
Ist noch keine 7 Tage hier. -
HTownBlackStar replied to the thread AAO Hannover.
Mir persönlich fehlen bei deinen Stichwörtern die jeweilige Anzahl der HLF z.B. und die Einbindung des RD.
Und gerade die ManV Stufen gibt es so in Hannover nicht (heißen manV10, manV20, manV50, manV100) - hier fehlen noch deutlich Fahrzeuge -
coallexy has received the trophy 1-year anniversary.
Has been with us for over a year! -
Gamer3498 has received the trophy 1-year anniversary.
Has been with us for over a year! - Trophy
Vincent Olander has received the trophy 2-year anniversary.
Has been with us for over two years! -
ExtremeChan has received the trophy 2-year anniversary.
Has been with us for over two years! -
Groknar has received the trophy 1-year anniversary.
Has been with us for over a year!