LDS WPT NBC accidents

  • A chemical hazard has been discovered. How do you deal with it now? Find out in this article!
    An industrial plant or a vehicle transporting chemicals has started to burn. What to do now?

    At first you should alert vehicles with hazmat carriers. In Linzing, this is station 2 and the Engine 1/1 of station 1. In LDS, station 3 and the external station 2 from Linzing. On Brandstedt the Engine 1/1 of station 1 and station 3.

    If you need more hazmat carriers, you can call the Roll-off container Hazmat, the Decontamination vehicle or the Decon Unit, they carry hazmat suits. To equip them, simply place firefighters nearby, and then press the button to equip hazmat suits.

    Wearers of hazmat suits are immune to contamination. You can check the contamination radius by looking at your minimap:

    Any unprotected person in this radius will be contaminated and must be decontaminated. Therefore, it is a good idea to use either aerial ladders or tankers here. Just place the aerial ladder outside the green radius and then extinguish the burning object.

    With tankers you have to keep in mind that they need a lot of water. Therefore, quickly establish a water supply with the help of firefighters wearing hazmat gear. You do not have to worry about the occupants of vehicles. They are protected from the toxic gases as long as they remain in the vehicle. Neither the Group leader nor the engineer can be contaminated.

    Contamination is recognizable by this symbol:

    Decontamination works with the help of the Roll-off container Hazmat, the Decontamination vehicle or the Decon Unit.

    The Decon unit/ Decontamination vehicle can only decontaminate one person simultaneously, while the Roll-off container Hazmat can decontaminate 2 people at once.

    To do this, simply select a firefighter wearing a hazmat suit, right-click on a contaminated person, and then, once the patient has been picked up, right-click on the Roll-off container Hazmat, the Decontamination vehicle or the Decon Unit

    The firefighter will then drag the person to the decon unit and decontaminate them:

    Finally, the person can either proceed normally, continue working, or has to be treated.

    A small tip on the side: In case of fires in chemical plants, gas valves often have to be closed to prevent the fire from spreading to another plant. You can find more about this in another wiki article.
