Vehicle alarm:
The vehicle alerting is divided into 4 pages: fire department, rescue service, police and other, which can also be opened directly via F1-F4. In addition, you have access to the quick vehicle selection in the margin on each page.
Procedure to alert a vehicle:
- You select the vehicles you want in the list or in the margin with the keywords for individual vehicles/vehicle groups with a left click. If you are looking for vehicles in the list, you can of course change pages during this process. When a vehicle is selected, it will light up orange.
- Afterwards you can select by pressing the key "V" or below next to alarm, whether they should move out with or without special rights. (Right with, left without special rights).
- If you have determined this, you can alarm the vehicles by pressing the "G" key or by pressing the alarm button and then place them on the map, depending on which setting you have made in the "Lüdenscheid game" under settings, you start with the individual or group placement, but you can still change this by pressing the CTRL key for this moment.
Important: If you click on a vehicle, you can deselect it by clicking on it again.
Keyword alert:
With the keyword alerting, the vehicles can be alerted according to keywords. You can also combine the keywords.
If you don't know what is alerted for which keyword, don't worry, at the end of the article you will find a list with each keyword and the corresponding vehicles.
Procedure for alerting a keyword:
- To do this, you just have to left-click on the respective keyword.
- After that you can select another keyword with another left click or you can select by pressing the key "V" or below next to alarm, whether they should move out with or without special rights. (Right with, left without special rights).
- If you have determined this, you can either by pressing the key "G", click on alarm or by double-clicking on a keyword alert the vehicles of the keyword and then place the vehicles on the map, depending on which setting you have made in the Lüdenscheid game under settings, you start with the single or group placement, but you can still change this by pressing the CTRL key for this moment.
Important: If you click on a keyword, you cannot deselect it. To reset the selection, you have to close the menu and open it again.