LDS Mass-casualty incident transport (PTZ NRW / SEG ÖRK)

  • At Mass-casualty incidents (MANV) situations, there can be a lack of rescue services.
    In this case, there is a special component that supports the regular rescue service in transporting patients away.
    This is a "Patiententransportzug" (PTZ) [patient transport convoy] or an "SEG Transport".
    In Emergency Lüdenscheid there are two units which can be used for this purpose.

    First there is the PTZ NRW, which mainly consists of units from the Wuppertal control centre, the home base of Wuppertal Mod founded by Grisu83.

    Furthermore, the SEG ÖRK, which is provided by the Austrian Red Cross (ÖRK), the home association of our project leader Danny .

    You can request these either via the Alarm menu or via the control centre.

    These vehicles then arrive at the scene, and can load any patients.

    If they are ready to leave, you can send them directly to the destination hospital by pressing "E", as they are automatically assigned by their leaders.
