  • The "Luedenscheid Game" settings have been split. There are now three subitems: GAME | GRAPHICS | LST MODE
  • The display of the firebars can now be switched off in the settings
  • Repositioning of vehicles is possible with the shortcut "T" and the "ALT" key. Rotation is now also possible with "Q" and "E".
  • Added display of a door icon for buildings. So you can see the main door at first sight and place the vehicles correctly. ATTENTION: This is only displayed for buildings that are assigned to a mission!
  • Adjustment at Truck & Trailer Plugin. The trailers are now aligned as you have placed them (example. ELW3 is now standing straight there) --> NO MP SYNC!
  • Added debug key "F8" --> If an event doesn't complete, e.g. because something is still burning which is not visible, you can press F8. After that close the game immediately and post the last LOG file in the forum, incl. description what happened. The logs can be found at: ...\AppData\Roaming\Promotion Software GmbH\EMERGENCY 5\log

  • Added parking violators for the POL. There are two variants:
    1) Car blocks access roads, ... and must be towed away --> No person on site
    2) Car blocks access roads, ... and must be towed away --> Person on site. Must be questioned and partially becomes the perpetrator



  • Construction project on the highway was completed (construction site gone --> new area there)
  • In the north of the map there was a forest area (to the right of BF01). This has been rebuilt. There are now new homes, a sports store and a column there

  • SAMA BST 04-RTW-01 flashing sequence of standby W1 changed
  • FL BST 25-MLF new blue light system
  • Various sirens adapted / switching options installed

Bug Fixes
  • Repositioning with "ALT" is now only possible for vehicles. Not anymore for persons
  • Fixed an error when repositioning without special rights
  • Fixed an error when transferring the player name for the External Control Center
  • Fixed various deployment bugs that occurred due to the reduction of the size of the map
  • Fixed an error in the alarm menu --> was displayed on clients also in the game with control center